peanut butter rich and creamy easy spread down you go -lEni-kawaii


Saturday, February 14, 2009

coffee all about love

Do you know what coffee and love have in common?
Both of them are sweet and bitter, and there are many varieties.
Its hard to switch once you get to a certain flavor.
Its addictive, both of them are hard to give up on.
You start when youre growing up (or earlyr hihiiihii).
An instant is also good.
On a rainy day you crave it more.

Happie Hearts Day Folks!!! feeeel the looove...HAHaa
What love is? Love comes secretly. Thats why nobody`s really clear on it . Clearer than the blue sky up high . Brighter than the warm shining eye-piercing sun . Headier than the scent of a fully blossomed flower. More bittersweet than the spring rain that falls . More drazziling than the many rainbows adorned .

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