Saturday, January 31, 2009
i got the blues
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
big city life
big city life so looooooong for it*_*
tokyo, new york, miami, seoul, south-africa my dream...
Monday, January 26, 2009
knocked out
Saturday, January 24, 2009
put me down
Thursday, January 22, 2009
one of them days
Some kind of mix of boiled up emotions surfacing as it is close to 6.pM on a thursday night.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
River Flows In You
i got my CoCo beside me...warmer full up heated..compfy blanket over hello kitty sox on..dimed light and my music for this week...relaxing ..weekend sooon..good, i got the cold shnivelsss ;S
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
all about the sweet look
i found something, hidden back the drawers..hahaha...yeh thats me..haha...such a kikaykiddo back then. babyblue was the thing... 2003 i think HAHa:S
Friday, January 16, 2009
someone out there
naahh folks..everything is all mind are in peace now..good thing you came,
i can relax now..ayyyt
well the truth?? wish i could be with the someone thats spesial to me^^ but im not nagging,he will come..haha..TIME TIME i got lots of time, if fate allows me so, cant never predict the future, ask a fotrune teller?? nahh not my thingy, who believs on that crap, sorry for those who believe, but crack!! i dnt care..its bullshit ok!! you yourself make youre own fate, dont make others make it for you..believing on something stupid, if you do you only live your life true them, live your own live man!! carpediem as they say..HAHa^^
well today was a long and stressfull day..starting at day OJT.. got off early ..friday folks!! some free time, not for me, have work again..its saaad yeh..but ill be off early tomorrow..some shityshit with the folks after *_^
i went to Oslo city...met Aly-kebab there..gave her her iPod..was a big hello and crackhead!! not even telling me your going on a vication, sunnybeach huuuhh?? need that right now..feeling yellow. . HAHa.. want a tan look..this friking weather HuuH... met some of my classmates, coffee& chikas hehe, and off they went.. beeing in town why not look around, vindow-shopping?? well at first it was, but i had to buy me some pair of shoe, saw something i liked on INDISKA..kawaii shoe^^ me liked it so i bought it..was at Zaras..gosh saw a couple of shoe..IN LUV..bad thing i cant afford it now..maijnn..what do you call it..pokpok shoe..haha..someday ill buy you!!
this is tha shoe i want^^ Dior..a dream gurglleleee;O
anywhoo!!.. was a tiny demonstration ..i dnt have all the information about the demonstration, but what the heck!! kids that makes trouble widout even knowing or have the intress about the demonstration, just doing their thing destroying the city..using that as an exquse of having fun..what has commed in this world?? friking out!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
im tired..been along day as you see...mmm..feel sick, sore throat, headache
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
burger shop
it aint easy..haha..try it you click hir
a chill day ..woke up late as always, sun on my eyes..nice view outside..its Lillehammer yaaa^^ went to the town with F, met L there..Sale hunting..haha..nice purchases today..pants,shirt,hoodie..habi habi price;D;D HAH
outside props to F for taking this pic
Kiwi..nice to have around when your out of cash
just looking around
ughh...cout on sale..HAHa
F wanted to buy a Flaxlodd
wasnt oure luck this day huh..daymn
Monday, January 12, 2009
flash backs
cnt remember since i had a lesson in math..i think over 3 yirs ago..
finaly finish with anathomy, starting on something fear..Calculations and Measurements of scared how its going to go..i hate math...i took a look on the book..seemd ok...
think so???? but it kills me..spend more money,gotta buy some new books again..broke as hell ryt now......gotta do tha do .. maijjjjnNN...
after looking on my on wednesday and thursday..ended hir in Lillehammer..hir i am;D probably be hir ti`ll thursday shoe is hir..cnt live wid out them..haha..thats the only reason i went hir...HAH..well and see how L & F are doing..drink coffee and chittchatt..hahaa
nutting to do at the moment..i turned up the tv ..shocking.. a documentary about pirce implant..
i have this intress of watching really wird stuff on tv..i love discovery channel and natural geography..unfortunatley i dnt have a TV at my place..have been living widout tv for a year now..surviving HAH!! gonna buy TV soon..anywhooo!! the documentary yeh..just take a look at the pics was hard on F to see this...hahaha....dayMnnn!!
what thA FUck!! crazy as hell....
thought how it would be to stick his finger through his scrotum..finger him self??..daymm..haha
did it hurt?? ehhhhh.....
Friday, January 09, 2009
taking it slowly
Thursday, January 08, 2009
finised the anathomy exam went good i think,better than i had hoped for..just waiting for the results..
thinking back.....mmmm...hahaha...ill keep it for my self ...haaah..!! *_^
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
oN top of the CAKE.!!!..??
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
i couldnt resist myself.!! ..i had to take a peep on the nett..jst have to let this out..